Surrender Read online

Page 17

  “I just wanted to let you know what happened to Ari, but I need to get back to her now,” Rafe said with discomfort.

  “You didn’t say what happened. You only told me that she was doing fine after surgery,” Sandra pointed out. Rafe really didn’t want to be the one to tell the woman that her daughter had been shot, though he didn’t see a way to get out of it.

  He took a deep breath and explained the shooting incident in the cafeteria. Her eyes widened, and her pale skin turned even whiter, but she managed to keep herself under control as he explained the events of the day before.

  “It’s a good thing you were there,” she finally said after a long pause.

  “I was the one who insisted she go there in the first place,” he replied guiltily. The self-recrimination was eating at him.

  “I’d say that’s a good thing, as well, Mr. Palazzo. My daughter hasn’t been taking the best care of herself lately. I’m grateful you were there and amazed you managed to get her to eat. I’ve been trying to force food into her all weekend. If you’ve known Ari for any length of time, though, you must know how stubborn she is. ”

  Rafe smiled at Sandra. He agreed fully with her on that point – her daughter was beyond stubborn and a downright pain in the ass. It was just too bad that he enjoyed that quirk in her personality.

  “She certainly is, but I’ve managed to bend her to my will on occasion,” he said with a wink.

  “Hmm. That’s interesting, Mr. Palazzo. Will you keep me updated on how she’s doing until the doctor lets me see her?”

  Rafe shifted in his seat. He wanted to spend as little time as possible with Sandra. For one thing, he found himself enjoying her company, and that wasn’t good. For another, it would be far harder for him to have the type of relationship he wanted with Ari if her family members were involved.

  He’d been taught to respect family, and if he knew Sandra, and then bound her daughter in a sex contract, it would eat at him. The situation continued to become more complicated with each passing day. He wished he could cut all ties – he wasn’t ready to do that just yet.

  “I can make sure the nurses keep you informed. ”

  “Oh, I’d much rather hear from you personally since you’ll be with my daughter,” she said as she looked at him with hurt eyes.

  Damn it!

  “I’ll keep you informed, Ms. Harlow,” he conceded.

  “Thank you, darling, and you can call me Sandra. We’ll be seeing each other often over the next few days. ” Rafe looked at her in surprise. There was a spine of steel beneath her weakened body. She was clearly letting him know that he’d better update her more often than he’d been planning.

  “Well then, get some rest, Sandra,” he said before standing and walking out her door.

  Instead of heading right back to Ari’s room, he stepped outside the hospital and let the cool breeze slap him in the face. What in the hell was he doing? He was starting to get in way too deep at this point.

  What he should do was call his driver and leave right now. It was time to cut ties with Ari and her mother. It was time to hire a new girl and get his life back to normal. He shook his head as he stood there undecided.

  “Raffaello Palazzo, you are in so much trouble. ”

  Rafe groaned as he turned toward his sister who was gazing at him with her foot tapping and fire blazing in her eyes.

  “Hi, Lia. How are you?” he said with resignation.

  “I’m pissed. That’s how I am. I can’t believe you were shot and you didn’t bother to call us!”

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  “Mom’s going to have your head on a platter, you know?” Rachel piped in as she walked up and threw her arms around his waist. “We’ve been so worried. ”

  “I’m fine,” he promised, feeling guilt consume him.

  “Well, we better go find mom. She’s furious with you,” Rachel warned.

  “Where is she?”

  “In Ari’s room. That’s where the staff said you’ve been all night. When you weren’t there, Lia and I came searching for you, but mom was sure you’d return so she waited there. I think she just wanted to be with Ari. She seems to like her. ” Rafe didn’t like the tone of his sister’s voice. He in no way wanted them trying to turn this arrangement he was planning with Ari into more than it was.

  Rafe’s heart picked up speed as he turned back to the door. He really didn’t want his mom and dad spending more time with Ari. This was quickly spinning out of control and he felt as if he were free falling.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Oh, Arianna, you poor little thing. ”

  Ari turned to find Rafe’s mother and father walking through her doorway. What were they doing in her room?

  “I’m fine,” she automatically responded.

  “You are far from fine, darling. I simply can’t believe you were shot. I am furious with my son for not calling us at once. Poor Rafe was shot, you were shot, and he doesn’t even bother to call his own mother,” she said as she sank down in the chair next to Ari’s bed and grabbed her hand.

  “Rafe was shot?” Ari gasped.

  “You didn’t know?”

  “No. He didn’t say anything. I really don’t know a whole lot. The last thing I remember was feeling like I was punched in the chest and then seeing blood on my shirt. Everything went dark after that. The doctor said I was very lucky the shot didn’t enter an inch to the left or I would’ve been dead. I’m incredibly grateful that if I had to be shot, at least it happened in a hospital where they were able to operate immediately. ”

  “You sweet little thing. I’d be a lot more grateful if neither of you had been shot in the first place. How terribly tragic this all is. A brand new mother was killed – her new baby left in this world without a mama. Two others were taken too soon from this world, as well. I know it’s selfish of me, but I’ve been so worried. The thought of losing my Rafe rips a gaping hole in my chest. It would be unimaginable. I’ve been so worried about you, too. I know we don’t know each other well, but you’re such a sweet little thing, and knowing you were hurt just breaks my heart. ”

  Ari’s eyes filled at Rosabella’s kind words. How could the apple have fallen so far from the tree? Rosabella was kind, caring, compassionate – all the things Rafe wasn’t. Of course, that wasn’t entirely true. Rafe had his moments of unbelievable kindness, but he quickly pushed it away and hid behind his mask of coldness. Ari needed to find out where Rafe was shot. He’d never said a word to her.

  “Where was Rafe shot?”

  “He went after the gunman and the madman managed to shoot him in the arm before Rafe took him down. ”

  “Rafe ran toward the guy?” Ari gasped.

  “Well, of course he did, dear. The man had just shot you,” Rafe’s father said as if it was the most natural thing in the world for Rafe to attack a man aiming a weapon at his head.

  “I… I didn’t know. ” Ari felt terrible about how selfish she’d been. All she’d been doing was worrying about her mother. She hadn’t even noticed Rafe wearing a bandage. Maybe she really was a self-absorbed person.

  “Mom. Dad. What are you doing here?”

  Ari turned her head to find Rafe looming in the doorway, not looking too happy. She automatically cringed.

  “Raffaello Palazzo, don’t you dare use that tone of voice with me. You are in huge trouble. I can’t believe that I had to find out from a doctor that my only son was nearly killed. You should have called your father and I immediately,” Rosabella stormed.

  She squeezed Ari’s hand before getting up from her chair and rushing over to Rafe to throw her arms around him. Even though she was reading him the riot act, there was obvious love in her actions. Terror often made a mother yell when they felt more like crying.

  “I’m fine, Mom. I wasn’t almost killed. The guy barely nicked me,” he said as his uninjured arm came around her, his tone gentle.
br />   “You aren’t speaking the truth. I thought I taught you better than that, Rafe. The doctor told me the shot went clear through your arm. If I can look at your skin and see light on the other side, that’s not a minor injury,” she scolded.

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  “I was a bit busy, Mom,” he said, though his voice carried a gentler tone as he noticed the tears streaming down his mother’s cheeks.

  “Of course you were. Poor, Ari. I can’t believe anyone would fire a weapon at this sweet little girl,” she said, her voice softening.

  “He will pay. ” The menace was clear in Rafe’s tone.

  “Yes he will, son. They have him under lock and key on another floor,” Martin said as he came over and patted Rafe on the back.

  “Yes, the staff have been quite secretive as to his location,” Rafe growled.

  “Son, you need to let the law take care of him. You stopped him and now he will go to prison, where hopefully they execute the worthless scum. Before he made the mistake of entering the same room as you he killed several people. ”

  “Their poor families,” Ari gasped.

  “Yes, though money can’t make a difference in a child losing their mother, Rafe is making sure they are well taken care of,” Rosabella said with pride as she turned back toward Ari.

  Ari turned quickly and met Rafe’s eyes. He wasn’t responsible for the shooting. Why did he feel accountable to take care of the victims? Her curiosity was piqued as Rafe showed yet another side of himself. He wasn’t as one dimensional as she’d first thought he was.

  “Mom,” Rafe said in a warning tone.

  “Oh, Rafe. You’re always so modest about how much good you do in the community. Don’t get me wrong, you can be quite arrogant at times, but underneath it all you really are quite the softie. I don’t know why you’re so worried about the world finding that out about you. ”

  “That’s enough, Mom,” he said, his tone very quiet. It sent a shiver down Ari’s spine.

  “Rosabella, you’re embarrassing him,” Martin warned.

  “Oh, hush,” Rosabella said, but she stopped.

  “We should leave and let Ari rest,” Rafe said, looking at his parents.

  “I’m so sorry, dear. We’re just talking away when you need to get sleep. I’ll come back tomorrow and visit with you. I’ll leave the rest of the family home so they aren’t causing all kinds of ruckus,” Rosabella said as she let go of Rafe and walked back over to Ari.

  Ari was shocked when the woman bent down and very gently hugged her. She felt a lump in her throat at the motherly gesture. The woman barely knew her, and yet she was so concerned. Ari couldn’t help but compare Rosabella to her own mother, both of them compassionate with a natural ability to draw others to them.

  What had happened in Rafe’s life to turn him into the control freak that he was? In his defense, it seemed he was only that way when it came to relationships – or business. Apparently, he was a saint when it came to everything else. Ari found herself wanting to know more about him.

  She was smart enough to realize that was a road best not taken.

  “I’ll be back later,” Rafe said. The look in his eyes left no doubt that arguing would do her no good. Fear seized her as she realized she could actually fall for this man. Under no circumstance could she allow that to happen. It was completely unacceptable.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Rafe was silent as he walked from Ari’s room beside his family. For once in their lives even his sisters were quiet as they made their way down the hallway. This situation had gone from out of control to radioactive levels.

  Rafe didn’t know if it was stubborn pride, or obsession, but in either case, he knew he wasn’t letting Ari go just yet, so it looked like the only option was to smooth out the waters, convince his family to return to their home, and put things back on the right path.

  “Let’s have dinner,” Rafe said as they entered the parking lot.

  “That’s a good idea, son. Then you can explain to us why you wouldn’t call us immediately after being shot. I'd also like to know what’s really going on with this Ari you seem so fond of. ”

  Rafe had to hold in the retort wanting to pop from his mouth. He’d never been disrespectful to his parents and he wasn’t about to start.

  “Isn’t it obvious, Dad? Rafe’s in love,” Rachel said in a singsong voice.

  “Rachel, for once in your life you need to keep your mouth shut. Ari is… she’s just an employee. ”

  “Ha!” Lia muttered.

  Rafe glared at both of his siblings.

  “Well well, if it isn’t the man of the hour – the hero of San Francisco, who swoops in and takes down an armed man while saving the princess from certain death. ”

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  Rafe turned to find his best friend approaching them. He wasn’t thrilled to see the amused smile on Shane’s face. He braced himself for an even longer evening. There was nothing Shane liked more than to find a weakness and then dig in.

  “I thought you were out of the country, Shane. ”

  “I flew all night to make sure your sorry butt was okay. Thanks for calling, by the way. ”

  “Everyone is simply overreacting to the whole situation. I’m fine, thank you. Go back to South America, or wherever it is you’ve been saving the world. ”

  “Raffaello, you’re being so rude,” Rosabella scolded as she approached Shane and gave him a welcoming hug.

  “Yeah, buddy, very rude,” Shane said with a frown as if his feelings really were hurt. He winked at Rafe as Rosabella released him. His friend knew how to make Rafe look like an ass and he enjoyed doing it.

  “Would you like to join us for dinner? We were just leaving,” Martin asked.

  “Of course I would. I haven’t seen my favorite family in over six months now. How are you beautiful?” he said while rubbing Rachel’s head.

  “I’m not ten years old anymore, Shane. You no longer get to rub my head,” she snapped.

  “Sorry, squirt; you’ll always be ten in my eyes. ”

  “What about Lia? Will she also always be ten?” Rachel goaded, causing both Lia and Shane to squirm. Rafe’s eyes narrowed as he saw the tension between his best friend and little sister. What the hell was going on?

  “Shane?” he questioned. He knew there was a problem when Shane wouldn’t look him in the eyes.

  “Hey. I thought we were getting some grub. I just flew halfway across the planet and I’m starving,” Shane said with a laugh. Rafe noticed he still wasn’t making eye contact with Lia. He was going to have to have a chat with his best friend before the night was out.

  “Yes, with all the stress today, I haven’t been able to eat a thing. Knowing that you’re going to be okay has returned my appetite. Let’s find a restaurant with a view,” Rosabella said as they approached Rafe’s waiting ride.

  The family climbed in the back of the limo, and Rafe’s eyes were watchful as Lia scooted all the way to the far side, and Shane sat on the opposite seat the furthest away from her. He just hoped he didn’t explode before he was able to get Shane alone.

  “Where have you been and what have you been up to?” Rosabella asked.

  “Oh, nothing much. I’ve just been down in South America,” he answered, squirming a bit.

  “Nothing much! You’re building houses with your own money. Not only that, but you’ve managed to gather a group of other investors to jump in and donate not only their funds but their time. That takes some heavy lifting,” Lia said, obviously impressed.

  “Why is it that you and my son are so over-confident in business and yet so awkward when talking about volunteer work and the beautiful things you do for people? Those are the things you should be shouting from the rooftops. ”

  “First off, it’s really not that big of a deal. I spent a lot of time as a teenager and my twenties being selfish, taking whateve
r I wanted and not even thinking of giving back anything. Plus, if someone is doing community service for a pat on the back, then they’re wasting their time. Giving of yourself or your money is meaningless if you’re only doing it because you want to be seen or praised. The reason I like doing volunteer projects out of the country is because I don’t have the news hounding me every five seconds. If nobody knows where I’m at, I finally get a bit of peace. Your son’s been on a few projects with me. He says it’s to get away, but he works his ass off,” Shane answered, nodding at Rafe with respect.

  “Speaking of my closed son, do you know what’s going on between Rafe and this lovely Ari?”

  Shane’s head whipped around and he finally met Rafe’s eyes. Rafe sent him the slightest shake of his head, asking his friend not to question him in front of the parents. When he saw the gleam enter Shane’s eyes, he knew he was screwed.

  “Well, I haven’t heard of Ari before, which tells me that Rafe may actually be interested in this woman. ”

  “If you haven’t heard about her, then it can’t be that serious,” Martin said with confusion.

  “Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong. You see, Rafe and I share everything with each other. I know all about his conquests within days of them meeting. If he’s keeping her from me, then it’s because he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Rafe always knows what he’s doing, so it looks like a woman may have finally come along that is able to knock him off of his perfectly projected life,” Shane answered with a smile.

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  Enough was enough!

  “I haven’t mentioned Ari because we hardly know each other. Yes, I’m dating her, or at least considering it. She’s a little to brash for my normal taste, but she has her qualities,” Rafe started when he heard his mother gasp in shock at his crudeness.

  “However,” he continued. “My dating life is none of your business, Shane. Mom, if I were to ever get that serious about a woman, I would tell you. The bottom line is that no woman has gained much interest in my eyes in a long time – Ari included,” he finished as if he was already bored with the conversation.

  “That is a horrible thing to say, Rafe,” Rosabella scolded.

  “I think it’s best if we just drop this subject. Besides, I’m far more interested in learning why Shane and Lia can’t even seem to look at each other. ”