Melody Anne
author : Melody Annecategory : Romance, Young Adult Fantasy, , Mystery
Melody has had a passion for writing since she was a little girl. Her first book was written at around the age of ten, and it was about a handsome prince Charming rescuing his princess and taking her away to his castle to live happily ever after. She continued to write through her teenage years, but never with the expectation to ever publish anything. Around 2007 Melody realized that she had finished her first full manuscript, and looked at it in awe. She had around a hundred books started on her computer, but had never finished one before. She was so ecstatic about her accomplishment that she jumped in to work on another book. She finished five books in a three year period, and then started thinking about possibly publishing those books.
Melody did a lot of research and discovered how to get her books published, and has been in author's bliss since then. She is thrilled by the success of her books, since she loves her characters so much, and wants the world to feel the same way. She is constantly working on new materials, and feels like the sky is the limit. Her family helps come up with many ideas, and her friends are a constant help. She hopes you love her books as much as she loves writing them.
Melody has two amazing children, along with about five additional kids that she adores like her own kids, that keep her busy all the time with school events, and sporting schedules, a husband who has become a pretty great cook since she is planted in front of her computer all the time, and two puppies, who help her writing by making sure to keep her lap or feet warm. Family is always first in her life.
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