Kian (Undercover Billionaire Book 1) Page 20
She knew how to tease him to the breaking point. He’d taught her well. He might be regretting that right now. But she’d enthusiastically learned how to suck him years earlier. She’d even looked up ways online to satisfy him. She’d loved pleasing him, loved making him lose control. Only Kian. He was her only lover, and in her abstinence, she’d grown hornier, it seemed.
She deep-throated him again and again; all the while her core pulsed with a need for fulfillment. He was losing control as he gripped a pillow to his face and cried out into it. She wanted to continue torturing him, but she couldn’t handle it any longer. So, she let him pop from her mouth, then rubbed her fingers up and down his wet length a couple of times before she climbed up his body and sat over him.
His thickness rested on his stomach, and she rubbed her slick heat along it a couple of times, letting her wetness completely soak him. He tossed the pillow aside and grabbed her hips, his fingers bruising as he guided her up.
“Please tell me you’re still on birth control. I don’t want anything between us,” he said, the words guttural.
“I am,” she told him, barely able to talk.
“Then take me in your hand and bring me home,” he growled.
She didn’t even think about teasing him anymore. She wanted him. He pulled her up off the bed as she gripped his hard length and pressed it at her opening. She looked down at his wild eyes as he pulled her down. They cried out together as their bodies fit so perfectly as one.
She tried to move, but he held her in place as he shook beneath her. She tried moving again, and he still wouldn’t let her move. She wiggled on top of him, and he groaned.
“Give me a second,” he begged. He was trembling beneath her, and the power she felt in that moment was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. He was so over-the-top turned on, he wasn’t able to control himself. She didn’t want to give him the opportunity to pull back from her. She wanted him at her mercy.
She dug her nails into his chest, making him cry out in surprise, and then she lifted her hips and slammed back down on him. He called out her name, and she lifted up again and again as she lost control with him.
He reached forward and grabbed her hard nipples between his fingers, squeezing just enough to send an ache from her chest to her wet heat, and that’s all it took to send her over the edge again. She squeezed him tightly as she continued pounding against him, and they cried out together as he released deep within her, his hot steel pumping against her walls.
They continued moving together as they both found satisfaction. Exhausted, Roxie collapsed on top of him, their flesh wet with the heat of their coming. He ran his hands up and down her back before he gripped her butt and squeezed. He was still hard inside her, and he pulsed as his fingers ran down the seam of her ass and slid along her wetness where they were still connected.
She should be done. He should certainly be finished, but she felt him pulse inside her as that beautiful ache began again. She wiggled on top of him as she lifted her head and kissed his jaw.
So quickly she barely registered it was happening, Kian grabbed her ass and flipped them over, never losing his connection inside her body. He pressed his torso up as he remained buried inside her, and she cried out at the pleasure of it.
“Now I get to make love to you the way I’ve wanted to from the very first moment I laid eyes on you,” he said.
Too emotional. This was too emotional. She wanted to pull back from him, but he leaned down and kissed her, his lips soft and hungry as he gripped her thigh and opened her fully to him.
He slowly pushed inside her before pulling out to the tip and doing it all over again. His tight sack rubbed along the sensitive flesh below her wet slit, and his pelvic bone hit her bundle of nerves. It was all too much, and she once again got lost in him. His chest rubbed her nipples, and his lips caressed hers.
He didn’t stop. He made love to her for an endless amount of time and built the ache up and up as she shattered in his arms, her body receiving unending pleasure. She was his, completely and utterly his. Anything he wanted from her, he could have. She didn’t have the will to deny him.
Then he sped up again, and together they came in the most intense explosion of the night. She saw colors flashing behind her eyelids as she gave herself over to him. And when it was finished with his weight on top of her, his body protecting hers, she felt safe and cared for.
She closed her eyes and let herself go.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Thank you for an incredible night. Coffee’s in the fridge, you just need to heat it, and fresh doughnuts are on the table. I got called in to work or I would have woken you up with a very satisfying morning. I plan on helping you sleep tonight.
Love, Kian
Roxie read the note and couldn’t help but smile. Her entire body ached in the best way possible, and even though she didn’t think it was feasible, she felt a stirring of hunger at the thought of doing that all over again.
She knew this was a dangerous path the two of them were taking, but maybe she should just admit they were on a runaway train and there was absolutely nothing they could do to stop it.
They hadn’t talked about what was going to happen with Lily; they hadn’t talked about if Roxie would even stay in this town. They hadn’t made a commitment to each other. For all she knew, he could be seeing other women. But she was afraid to talk about any of that. She was afraid of becoming the woman she’d been when she’d left him.
It would be so easy to lean on him, to get lost in him. But then she feared she would never find herself again. She couldn’t allow that to happen. She had to stay strong, especially for Lily’s sake.
She heard the squeak of the door and realized Lily was up. She quickly grabbed her nightshirt, which Kian had thankfully left on the pillow next to her, and shoved it on about three seconds before Lily bounded into her room.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Roxie said.
“Mornin’,” Lily replied as she climbed into the bed and snuggled into Roxie’s arms. This was their morning routine, and Roxie felt a bit of panic at the thought that Lily could have come in and seen Kian lying there in her spot. Would that traumatize her niece? Roxie couldn’t believe she’d been so irresponsible. She hadn’t even thought about it. Thankfully, he’d been called in to work, and she didn’t have to face that quite yet.
“Did you dream good dreams?” Roxie asked, pushing out her guilt and focusing on their routine.
“I dreamed about unicorns,” Lily said.
“Mmm, I like unicorns. I dreamed about piglets,” she said. She actually had dreamed of the cute little things.
“Piggies?” Lily said, looking up with bright eyes.
“Yep, cute little pink ones,” Roxie told her.
“I want a piggy,” Lily said, her eyes getting that stubborn look that Roxie was beginning to count on.
“We’ll have to visit Doc Evan again and play with them,” Roxie told her, afraid to commit to getting any animals. Lily didn’t look appeased, but she snugged against Roxie again, and Roxie rubbed her silky hair.
“I think we have doughnuts in the kitchen,” Roxie told her niece. She needed to use the bathroom, and Lily was resting right on her bladder.
“Doughnuts?” Lily squeaked. She jumped out of the bed and rushed from the room. Roxie found her pajama pants, slipped them on, and ran to the bathroom. She quickly brushed her teeth and joined Lily in the kitchen, where she was shoving a powdered doughnut in her face.
Roxie looked at the box suspiciously. “How many did you eat in the five minutes that took me?” she asked. There were five in there now.
Lily shrugged as she took another bite, white sugar all over her flushed cheeks. She should try to monitor this a little better, but she was too sated to care much about anything right now.
There were three coffee cups in the fridge, and she wondered if he still remembered what she liked. She warmed a cup in the microwave, then sat down next to Lily, who’d already
grabbed another doughnut. Taking a sip of the coffee, she sighed in satisfaction. Yep, a caramel mocha. It was perfection.
She drank half the cup before grabbing a bear claw and taking a bite. This was the best breakfast ever. Lily finally filled up and sat back to drink the milk Roxie had placed before her, then the two of them made their way into the small living room with Roxie’s second cup of coffee, where they snuggled up on the couch and watched a cartoon.
Roxie couldn’t help but smile at how right all of this felt. Her body ached in the best way, her tummy was pleasantly full, and her arms were filled with a happy child. She couldn’t imagine it getting much better.
After the second cup of coffee was down, she left Lily with a coloring book and took a quick shower before she got dressed. Then she helped Lily get ready for the day. She had no plans this afternoon, as she wasn’t working. The day was overcast but not too cold, so maybe they’d go to the park. First, she had to check her mail.
Opening the box, she found an envelope inside. There was no return address, no postage, just her name scrawled on it, almost unrecognizable. Her curiosity was certainly piqued.
She turned it over in her hands and wondered who it could be from. She hadn’t been out much since she’d moved home and hadn’t visited nearly enough people. It had been a long time since she’d wanted to establish roots, and she was almost afraid to do it now. Because, if she got too attached to being here again and things went really south when it came to her and Kian, she’d have to leave. Having friends here would make her realize how alone she truly was in the rest of the world. Roxie wasn’t sure she could handle that right now, not in the fragile state she was allowing herself to get into.
Walking back into her kitchen, she checked on Lily, who was happily scribbling in her coloring book, and then she sat at the table and picked up another doughnut, not even feeling guilty about consuming so many calories. She’d definitely burned enough the night before. Her thighs were burning from all the exertion. Sex really should be listed as a form of exercise, as she’d never been as sore from a workout at the gym as she was from a rowdy night of sex.
Opening the envelope, she pulled out a single piece of paper. There was a short note:
Meet me at the bakery at three for a date. Wear sexy panties I can imagine ripping off you.
With love,
Heat suffused Roxie’s cheeks as she looked over her shoulder where Lily was still in her own little world. Even if her niece had been there looking at the note, it wasn’t as if she could read yet. Still, after reading it one more time, Roxie tucked the note away.
It was silly, really. It didn’t mean anything. They’d sent sex messages the night before. But this was different. This was a . . . well, sort of a date. He hadn’t said whether or not to bring Lily, but she was assuming she should. But would Roxie go?
She wanted to go. She found she really wanted to go. Before she could stop it, she found a girlish giggle escaping her mouth. The sound was so foreign, it shocked her into instant silence. Then she found herself giggling again. Lily looked up from the couch and walked over to her, a big smile on her face.
“What’s funny?” she asked. She spotted the doughnut in her aunt’s hand and climbed back up into a chair and grabbed one for herself.
“Oh, I just got a silly note,” Roxie said.
“Note?” Lily repeated.
“Yep, a note,” she said.
Lily quickly lost interest after she took a bite of her doughnut. Roxie was grateful they were on the last two, because had there been more in there, she feared the two of them would have polished off another half dozen. Then she realized Kian wanted to take her back to the bakery later that afternoon. Was the man trying to make her gain twenty pounds? Maybe. That way, she wouldn’t be able to run away from him.
Before she was able to think about it too much, her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number on her caller ID and thought about letting it go to voice mail, but she could really use a distraction right about now, so she answered.
“Roxie?” the person said after only a second. She hadn’t had time to give a greeting.
“This is Roxie,” she said, not recognizing the voice.
“Oh, good, this is Sal,” the man said, and now she recognized his voice clearly.
“Hi, Sal, how can I help you?” She searched her memory but didn’t think she was missing an appointment.
“I wanted to see if you could come out to the doc’s a little early and help out,” Sal said.
“What do you mean?”
“We’re having a thank-you for the volunteers on Saturday, and there’s a lot of work involved. Wanna come help?” He might be posing it as a question, but Roxie knew why people had Sal calling for volunteers. His voice demanded an assent.
“I guess I don’t have anything going on,” she said hesitantly. “But I do have Lily.”
“Perfect. We have lots of people that can’t do any heavy lifting but love to hang with the kiddos.”
The phone went dead. Roxie looked at it and wondered if they’d been disconnected, or if Sal had just finished with the call and moved on to the next one. She shrugged and guessed she was going out to Evan’s house.
As soon as she told Lily, the child lit up. She was going to get to see the piglets again, and she was all for that. At least she’d be able to burn off all the sugar she’d consumed for breakfast. She hoped her niece didn’t think that was going to be a morning ritual from now on. It was normally eggs and toast or cereal. Never sugar goodness, though Roxie wouldn’t mind that too much.
It didn’t take her long to drive out to Evan’s, and she was barely out of her car before Eden was rushing up to her.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, her cheeks flushed as she practically bounced on her toes.
“Why?” Roxie asked.
Eden rolled her eyes. “Because the old ladies are driving me nuts with their meddling, and I need someone else for them to focus their attention on,” Eden answered honestly. Roxie felt the blood run from her face. She didn’t need anyone trying to match her up with someone. That would be a nightmare.
Before Roxie could blink, Martha was there at her side and easily talked Lily into going with her to the barn to see the animals. Then Eden was dragging Roxie in another direction. She so wasn’t used to all this. She was thinking it might be safer to stick with her niece than with the adults.
She was pulled into the house, where a bunch of people were arguing about how the party should go, and since Roxie had no idea what was going on, she felt like a fish out of water. She simply sat back and tried to be invisible. Maybe it would have been better if she had made excuses and not come.
Time was escaping her as she sat around the house planning and making decorations. She didn’t realize three was approaching quickly. When she finally did look at her phone, she realized she was going to be late, if she chose to go.
She should at least text him, but she honestly had no idea what to say, so she sat there biting her lip as she continued to stress.
“Okay, tell me right now what you’re thinking about. It looks pretty intense,” Eden said, pulling Roxie from her thoughts.
She found her cheeks heating, giving away that she was indeed thinking of something. But she honestly didn’t know what to say. She and Eden hadn’t been in communication for a long time, and this was a lot to take in.
“It has to do with Kian, doesn’t it?” Eden guessed accurately.
Now her cheeks flushed even more. She hated that her skin gave her away so easily. She never had been one of those people who could so easily lie. She was a little jealous about that fact.
“No,” Roxie said, but even the sound of her voice betrayed her. It was shaky and deceptive. Eden laughed.
“Come on, everyone in this town knows Kian is crazy about you,” Eden said. “He’s been in such a better mood since you’ve come home.”
“That’s not true,” Roxie said. Then she
sighed. She had to share her secret with someone. It was killing her. Maybe it would be a mistake, but she didn’t care. “Lily is Kian’s daughter,” she blurted.
“I figured,” Eden said, not at all surprised.
“What? How?” She stopped trying to speak as she looked at her friend.
“You forget I was there with you at the park when you and Kian ran into each other again. The sparks were flying, and something was going on. Besides that, Lily looks just like Kian’s little sister. It’s pretty obvious.”
“Well, now you know why he’s been around so much. He wants Lily,” Roxie said, feeling unusually depressed.
“You can’t possibly think that’s the only reason he wants to be around,” Eden said as if she were a fool.
“Why? Did you talk to him?” Roxie asked, feeling a bit of hope. It was ridiculous how much her emotions were going up and down at the speed of sound. She was the one who’d walked away from him. She’d been the one to betray him. Sure, they had shared a couple of great rounds of sex, but that in no way solved the issues between them, and she shouldn’t want to fix the issues, anyway. This was only about Lily, not about her and Kian.
“He doesn’t have to talk to me for me to see the way he looks at you. The man has always been obsessed. You two are like two comets on a collision course for each other, and anyone with any good sense at all knows to stay the heck out of your path,” Eden said.
“No. We’ve had our time together, and it didn’t work out,” Roxie said. Then she leaned in. “I got completely consumed by him. I didn’t even know who I was anymore.”
She felt so selfish saying this, but she had to talk about how she felt. If she didn’t, she’d never be able to work it out in her own mind.
“Don’t you think you can still be yourself and be in love?” Eden asked. She wasn’t in any way berating her, which made it possible for Roxie to continue speaking.
“I wasn’t able to do it before,” she admitted.
“You’ve also had some time on your own to grow up and figure out who you are away from him. Do you like yourself more or less when he isn’t a part of your life?”