Kian (Undercover Billionaire Book 1) Page 18
She turned to Kian and gave him a watery smile. “Can we live there?” she asked.
Hell yes! He was about to yell just that when Roxie cleared her throat, and he looked up, finding her intense look on him. He would be toast if he said that. Of course Lily was going to live with him, but he had to do it in the right way.
“Why don’t you come and visit first,” he said. He wasn’t going to tell her she wasn’t going to live there because they all knew she was. But, for the sake of his relationship with Roxie, he could slow down his normally wicked-fast pace.
“Can we visit the pigs, Mama?” Lily asked.
Everyone went silent as Lily spoke those words. It seemed like time stopped altogether, but Kian knew only a second or two had passed. He looked at Roxie’s radiant face, and his heart broke a little. She truly did love his little girl, and the slip of her calling Roxie Mama had sealed her fate. Lily needed Roxie. Kian needed Lily. It was pretty simple, in his own mind. The three of them would become a family. He just wasn’t sure how he was going to make that happen.
“Of course we can, sweetie, but they won’t be leaving their mama for a while, so we’ll just have to come here,” she said. Kian could hear the relief in her voice. She was afraid to come to his place. She was afraid of what she would feel. He had no doubt about it.
“I also have a cat that’s going to have kittens at any time,” Kian said, wanting to draw Lily back into insisting on coming to his house.
“Really?” Lily said, her eyes going wide again.
“Yep, so you and your . . .” He paused. Was he supposed to say aunt or mama? He didn’t know. “Um, you and Roxie can come and see them, maybe even be there when they are born.”
“Can we, please?” Lily asked Roxie.
Roxie was refusing to look at him. She was irritated he’d put her on the spot. Well, too bad. He knew what he wanted, and he wasn’t afraid to go after it. He’d told a white lie, though. He didn’t actually have a mama cat, but his brother had been complaining about a big pregnant cat that wouldn’t leave his back porch. It appeared as if Kian was officially adopting the stray now. He’d pick it up on his way home and hope the damn thing hadn’t popped already. He’d have to call his cleaning lady and see if she could pick up whatever the hell he needed to take care of a cat.
“I guess we’ll have to do that,” Roxie finally said, and Kian wanted to jump in the air and pound his fists. He wanted them to come to his place. Victory was his.
“Why don’t you all come out here this coming Saturday?” Evan asked, making Kian turn. He’d forgotten other people were even around. Roxie consumed him so much, he felt sucked into his own world whenever they were in a space together.
“What’s happening Saturday?” Kian asked. He wasn’t sure how much he wanted Roxie around his very eligible friend.
“I’m having a barbecue to thank community members who volunteer,” Evan said. Of course, at this, Roxie gave him a beaming smile.
“Oh, that’s so thoughtful,” she told him.
Never in his life had Kian had reasons to be jealous of another person, but he was feeling the green-eyed emotion pretty damn bad at the moment as the damn vet tipped his hat at Roxie and winked.
“I’m a thoughtful guy,” he said.
“Humility looks fake on you,” Kian said with a slight growl. Roxie turned and glared at him.
“You’re being rude, Kian,” she snapped. Then she turned back to Evan and smiled even more brightly. “And I think it’s amazing for you to do that. Lily and I would love to come.”
“I’ll pick you both up,” Kian said. There was no way he wasn’t going to bring her. He was certainly keeping his eye on her around the damn vet.
“We can get here ourselves,” she said. But he knew Roxie enough to know she wouldn’t be willing to get into a fight with him in front of people.
“There will be a lot of cars here, and we don’t want to take up too much room. I’ll bring you both, and then you can feel free to have a drink without worrying about driving,” he pointed out.
“Oh, I didn’t think about that. It might be kind of nice,” she said.
“Then it’s all settled.” Kian wouldn’t give her a chance to change her mind. “You can also check on the deer and pigs.”
“Piggies,” Lily said, her face brightening.
Right then, Evan’s old yellow Lab came lopping around the corner, and Lily was distracted by yet another animal. She went over, and the old boy rolled over on his back so she could scratch his tummy.
Kian couldn’t help but laugh when the dog’s head rolled side to side with his tongue out as Lily curled up into him and scratched his belly.
“She needs a dog,” Kian said.
“I know,” Roxie said. He looked up and saw guilt in her eyes. “I just can’t afford it right now.”
“I can,” he insisted.
She gave him a stern look. “She’s not deprived. I’m taking good care of her.”
“We can both take care of her. She doesn’t have to go without,” he said. This argument was getting old.
“Sometimes, when children get too much, they turn into spoiled little brats. I don’t want that to happen to her. I want her to work for the things she truly wants. She will appreciate it so much more then.”
Kian was about to argue, but he saw her point. His parents hadn’t handed him and his siblings anything. They easily could have, and there had been definite advantages in having money, but they’d all worked hard, and because of that, they had good ethics.
“You’re absolutely right. Let’s figure out ways for her to have the things she desires by earning them,” he said.
Roxie seemed shocked by his compromise, and he wondered if he’d always been that much of a dictator that people didn’t expect him to meet them halfway. He didn’t think so, but maybe he’d have to ask his siblings their advice on the matter.
“I can agree to that,” she said, and Kian felt as if he’d just won a gold medal. Damn, he enjoyed making this woman happy.
Roxie’s phone rang, and she stepped out the door of the barn so she could take the call. Kian found himself wanting to know who was on the other end of the line, but he realized it was truly none of his business.
Lily rose to her feet and looked to the door, her sweet face worried for a moment, but then she zeroed in on Kian. She walked over to him and held up her arms. He gratefully lifted her into the air and held her tightly to his chest. She snuggled against him, and within what seemed seconds, she was still, her breathing even.
He felt pressure in his eyes at the love and trust his daughter was showing him. It was the best gift he’d ever been given. When he looked across the way, he saw Evan looking from him to Lily and back, his eyes rounding in surprise. Kian didn’t even want to hide it.
“She’s my daughter,” he said, pride filling his voice.
Evan seemed speechless for the first time in his life. He opened his mouth, shut it, then opened it again. He knew there were a million questions, but Kian wasn’t sure how to answer them.
“Okay, then,” Evan said, and Kian’s respect for the man grew even greater. Just like that, his friend accepted Lily as his daughter. He didn’t try to pry, didn’t need to ask questions. Maybe it truly would be that simple with everyone. Kian hoped so. He just knew he loved Lily, and because he loved her, anyone who knew him would love his little girl as well.
Roxie walked back in, looking tired and slightly stressed.
“What’s wrong?” Kian asked.
She moved close to him and brushed back some hair from Lily’s forehead. “She’s had an exciting day,” she said softly. Her stress seemed to dissipate as she laid her hands on Lily. The little girl certainly was good for taking away any ill feeling.
“What’s the matter? Do you need to talk about anything?” Kian asked.
She looked at him, and he saw the conflict in her eyes. She was deciding if she wanted to share with him or not. He wanted to drag it out of her, but instead he softly rubb
ed his daughter’s back and tried to keep his face neutral. He was just a friend there to listen if she needed it. She didn’t have to see how much his heart was racing.
Finally, she sighed. “It was the detective. They have nothing new on the case with my sister. I would just really like some answers so I’m not constantly looking over my shoulder,” she admitted.
“I know it might be difficult for you to talk about your sister with me, and I can’t say enough how sorry I am about what happened, but just know you can share anything with me,” he told her.
Moisture sprang to life in her eyes, and she looked away for a moment as she sniffed, then gave him a slight smile. “Thanks, Kian. I appreciate it. There’s really nothing to tell right now,” she said.
“Okay,” he said. Though he wanted to know the entire conversation she’d had with the detective, he decided not to push her right then. The more she learned to trust him, the more she would open up. He reminded himself it was a marathon, and he wasn’t in a hurry. It might feel like he needed to be, but they were building this relationship slowly so there’d be a solid foundation.
“I should get Lily home so I can get her settled for the night. This day has been pretty exciting, and she’s going to have a difficult time sleeping,” she told him.
The thought of letting Lily go caused an ache unlike anything he’d ever felt before, and Kian wanted to cling more tightly to his daughter than ever before, but he knew that would only cause Roxie to close up. If he wanted this to go smoothly, he couldn’t just think of himself. He had to think of Lily, and of Roxie, too.
“Want some help?” he asked. He might not push her, but he’d keep offering his services.
She looked at him for an unguarded moment, and he held his breath, hoping she would accept his offer. He’d love to be there for their nighttime routine. Hell, for that matter, he wouldn’t mind tucking his daughter in to bed, and then tucking Roxie in as well. He could certainly help her have an excellent night’s rest.
She shook her head, though, and he felt utter disappointment. He hadn’t really thought she’d let him come by, but he’d been hopeful all the same. This patience stuff truly was a load of crap.
“I’m pretty worn out. I think I just want to make a cup of hot tea and read until I go to sleep,” she said.
“What are you reading?” he asked as he walked with her back to her car.
Her cheeks flushed, and he was incredibly curious now. He couldn’t remember ever reading something that would embarrass him. Okay, maybe the copies of Hustler he’d read, solely for the articles, of course. If his mom had ever walked in while he’d been immersed in one of those magazines, he’d have been truly mortified.
“Oh, you wouldn’t recognize it,” she said, looking away. Now he had to know!
“Come on, you tell me what you’re reading, and I’ll tell you what’s on my Kindle,” he said in his persuasive doctor’s voice. It always got his patients to open up to him.
Her blush wasn’t going away. “It’s just mindless entertainment,” she grumbled.
Kian placed Lily in her seat, and she didn’t stir at all, but her tiny fingers gripped his shirt and tugged a little bit more on his heart. He brushed Roxie’s hands away and buckled his daughter in. He’d watched Roxie, and now he had it down. He only fumbled a little bit.
“It’s called, um, In the Heir by Ruth Cardello,” she murmured.
He carefully pried Lily’s fingers from his shirt, and she grumbled before shifting her hand to her mouth and sucking her thumb. He had a hard time turning away from his daughter, but he was incredibly curious about Roxie’s reaction to a book.
“What has you blushing?” he asked. He shut Lily’s door and trapped Roxie against the side of the car, not allowing her to escape. He wasn’t touching her yet, but now that it was just the two of them with no one else around and Lily asleep in her seat, Kian was getting a lot of ideas that had nothing to do with kids—well, maybe making kids, but that was for later.
“I’m not blushing,” she insisted, but the color rose in her cheeks, completely contradicting her words.
“Oh, you’re definitely blushing,” he said. He stepped closer, his body fully coming to life. That flush in her cheeks made him think of how many other ways he could bring color to her body. She blushed all over when she was turned on, and that had him ready to explode in seconds.
“What is this book about?” he asked. She refused to look him in the eyes.
“I have a thing for romance books, okay,” she told him in a huff.
“What’s so embarrassing about a romance book?” He really was confused. He wasn’t letting her leave until she explained.
“It’s not embarrassing. It’s just a romance book, and there might be a little bit of steam to it.” She finished her sentence very quietly. At those words, Kian’s imagination came to life.
“What do you mean by steam?” he asked. Now, only inches stood between them, and his lower region was throbbing painfully.
“Well, I don’t read romance for the sex, but she . . . um . . . well, this author definitely writes some sexy scenes,” she said. The heat coming off her cheeks could burn him now.
“What’s this book called again?” he asked.
“In the Heir,” she said.
“Hmm.” There was no way he was admitting his curiosity.
“So, you like reading about sex?” Damn, he was turned on right now. He didn’t know women read about sex. It wasn’t like he’d ever seen a girl’s porn magazine in the stores. Not that he’d looked for one, though. He couldn’t imagine a bunch of naked men in a magazine would sell.
“No!” she insisted before calming her voice. “I like reading about romance,” she told him.
“With sex?” he pushed.
“The sex just happens to be in there,” she insisted.
“I can teach you all about sex,” he said, leaning in closer, his body now brushing hers.
“You did teach me all about sex,” she reminded him.
“And we had fun, didn’t we?” he pushed.
He found his fingers tracing the curve of her cheek and jaw and was encouraged when she didn’t push him away. Her eyes dilated, and he ran his fingers down her neck, finding the place her pulse was beating out of control.
“Yeah, but that was a different time. We were so young,” she said.
“Just because we get older doesn’t mean we have to grow up,” he advised.
“That’s exactly what it means. We can’t act like kids forever,” she told him.
“Why not? What’s so wrong with being youthful? Take Millie, for example. She wears her hair in any color she feels like, and she still dances like she doesn’t care. She will live her life until the day she dies and have no regrets as she releases her last breath.”
“Your positive outlook on life was one of the things that drew me to you,” she said, her guard down, her body relaxing against his as he continued pressing into her.
“It’s been a long time since I felt positive,” he admitted. “You make me feel like anything’s possible.”
It was true. When he was with Roxie, the world was at his fingertips. He loved it. She brought something out in him no one else could, and he didn’t want to let go of the feeling, not ever.
“Maybe you just buried it,” she said, but she was no longer looking in his eyes. Her gaze was on his lips, and he didn’t even want to control the hunger drifting through him.
Bending down, he gently kissed the corner of her lips. She sighed as her mouth opened. He wanted to take her fiercely, but he didn’t allow himself to. He had to remind her of their languid days of lying on a picnic blanket, worshipping each other’s bodies.
He kissed the other corner of her mouth, and she wiggled against him. He pulled her bottom lip into his mouth and gently bit down before sucking on it. Her hips rocked against his. His hand drifted to the back of her head, and he held on tightly as he angled her just where he wanted her and closed his lips over h
ers, giving her a lazy kiss as his tongue traced her mouth before drifting inside and retreating again.
Her moan rumbled against his mouth, and he had to fight not to lose control, but this was about seduction, not satisfaction. He continued slowly kissing her as one hand drifted down her side, a shudder racking through her frame. He ran his hand down the back of her leg, then gripped her beneath the knee and pulled her thigh up so he could cradle himself against her heat.
She squirmed in his arms as she wrapped her hands behind his shoulders and gripped him tightly, trying to intensify the kiss. He released her lips, and she whimpered until he kissed along her jawline and sucked the skin at the base of her throat. She was melting in his arms, and he was losing the battle of keeping control of himself.
“Invite me over,” he begged. He was more than happy to beg now. He’d started this as seduction, and now he just wanted to sink inside her and stay there all night long.
She sighed as her fingers tugged his hair. He kept licking her throat as he waited for her decision. But then she reached around the front of him and applied pressure to his chest. She wanted him to let her go.
Though he knew he could seduce her into submission, he wanted her trust even more than he wanted her body. He allowed her to push him back. Her cheeks were bright-red, and her eyes dilated as she looked at him.
“I need to go,” she said, her voice husky.
He wanted to argue, but he didn’t. He just caressed her cheek for a moment before taking another step back, then another. She didn’t move. He was five feet away from her before he smiled. Damn, she was a sight to behold.
“Sweet dreams, Roxie,” he said with a confident grin. Then he forced himself to turn around and leave. He whistled as he made his way back to his truck. Kian had plans tonight. He had a book to download, because he sure as hell wanted to know what it was that had gotten her all worked up.
The night was still young. Maybe, just maybe, he could talk her into a nightcap. He never had been one to give up hope, and with his pants scratching his very prominent arousal, hope was all that was allowing him to walk away.
Roxie was going to be his again. He’d make damn sure of it. They wanted each other and, even more than that, needed each other. He was going to prove it to her in any possible way he could.