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Surrender Page 18

  All heads turned to Lia first, whose face was flaming red, and then to Shane, who seemed to be breaking out in a sweat.

  “There’s nothing to tell,” Shane said awkwardly as he fiddled with his cuffs.

  “Nothing to tell! How about a few months ago when you spent the night together,” Rachel piped in with a wicked smile.

  “What!” Rafe thundered as he glared at his best friend.

  “Before you attempt to kill me, let me explain. We didn’t exactly spend the night together…” he hedged.

  “You have about five seconds to explain before I toss you from a moving vehicle, then have the driver run you over. ”

  “Look, Lia and I were at the same fundraiser a few months ago and we got together for dinner and drinks. We both ended up drinking a few too many glasses of the exquisite wine and then decided to have a couple more glasses in my room before calling it a night. We passed out. Nothing happened. ” When a deathly silence filled the car, he added, “I swear!”

  “Dad, open the door – I think I'll throw Shane out anyway,” Rafe thundered.

  “You’re such a damn hypocrite. I didn’t even touch your sister – I treated her with nothing but respect. I love your family too much to violate Lia. However, you treat women like they’re nothing more than used gum on the bottom of your shoe and you’re going to sit back and judge me. I love you, Rafe, but when it comes to women, you’re a certified ass**le,” Shane said with a glare.

  “Ha! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. When’s the last time you’ve spent two nights in a row with the same women. At least I’m responsible in my affairs. I stay with the same person for a minimum of three months,” Rafe replied like it was something to be proud of.

  “You think you deserve sainthood because you treat your relationships like another business merger. ”

  “There’s nothing wrong with having strict guidelines to follow. ”

  “I think we should just drop this Rafe. ”

  “You’re probably right. I’d rather we didn’t say something that can’t be taken back. ”

  Rafe looked around, having forgotten for a moment that his parents were sitting across from him. He didn’t like the look of censure in his mother’s eyes or the thoughtful expression on his sisters faces.

  The rest of the ride to the restaurant was silent as Rafe sat there brooding. The complications with Ari continued to pile up. He needed to be alone so he could figure out where everything had gone so wrong. At the moment, he could almost admit that he was in over his head.

  When the limo stopped, Rafe nearly sighed with relief. He wanted out of the tension filled space. It didn’t help that his sisters seemed to be communicating silently with each other. Since they were little, the two of them had formed a way of speaking without saying a single word. More often than not, it had led to trouble. He had a feeling times hadn’t changed just because they’d all aged.

  As his family was seated he noticed the tension between Shane and Lia. He needed to take his friend aside soon and find out exactly what was going on there. He and Shane were cut from the same cloth – both messed up when it came to women. Rafe didn’t want Lia mixed up in that. Rafe didn’t think his friendship could survive it.


  “Are you going to refuse to meet my eyes, now!”

  Shane stood there trapped by the bathroom door. He hadn’t thought Lia would follow him. Rafe had to be even more suspicious now. He’d barely escaped Rafe’s questions, but knew his friend was going to confront him privately soon. If Rafe found out the vivid dreams Shane was having about Lia, his best friend would kill him.

  When several awkward seconds passed, Shane finally met Lia’s eyes. The worried expression and defensive stance didn’t help him feel any better.

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  “Lia, this is a mistake. I shouldn’t have kissed you that night. Rafe’s my best friend. I don’t know how it happened. ”

  “I’m not a little girl anymore, Shane. I can kiss guys all I want without my big brother’s permission. As a matter of fact, I can even have sex with them, too if I want,” she said boldly, making Shane want to punch a wall. He didn’t even want to think about Lia ha**ng s*x – unless it was with him.

  “If you’re trying to get a reaction, you are doing a damn fine job – and you’re not going to like the results,” he threatened.

  “A reaction? Oh, that couldn’t possibly happen. There can be nothing but stiff formality and indifferent looks from the mighty Shane. You know what? I don’t care. I think I’ll just head to the bar and pick up someone who isn’t ashamed to look at me,” she stormed as she turned away.

  Like hell she would!

  Frustration taking over his good sense, Shane gripped Lia’s arm and swung her back around to face him. The surprise in her eyes was quickly overtaken by desire as he pulled her up against him. Knowing it was a mistake, but still not managing to stop, Shane gripped her head while he captured her lips.

  All thoughts fled as he tasted her sweet mouth. There was no slow exploration. He felt like a starving man finally finding food. Pushing Lia up against the wall, pinning her body with his own, his hand moved down her neck, then roamed the front of her shirt while he consumed her mouth.

  When she cried out as his hand brushed her breast, his body went solid and he pressed his arousal against her, trying to seek relief.

  She greedily accepted all he was giving, encouraging him to take her right there. His hand slid beneath her shirt as he reached for her bra. He needed to feel her bare skin.

  “Well, isn’t this interesting? I can see there’s nothing going on between the two of you. ”

  Shane froze at the sound of Rachel’s voice. He pulled back from a very flushed Lia, horrified at how he’d been violating her in public.

  “I’m sorry,” he said before turning and making a quick exit from the back hall of the restaurant.

  “That is one great bathroom break,” was the last thing he heard Rachel say as he went straight outside. He’d call Rafe later and make up an excuse of why he’d had to cut out early. Rafe would take one look at him right now and have no doubt about what he’d just been up to.

  Guilt ate him as he hailed a cab and fled the scene. When his phone rang five minutes later, he ignored it. He knew he’d have to face the music sooner or later, but he wasn’t ready to go there yet. Rafe was his best friend – his family. If he lost that friendship, he didn’t know what he’d do.

  The situation was impossible because the bottom line was that even fleeing to a third world country hadn’t rid his mind of Lia. He was falling hard for her, and he knew a relationship with her was impossible.

  In the long run, he knew he’d just hurt her because he wasn’t capable of having a long-term relationship. An affair with her wasn’t worth losing his best friend. Now, if only he could convince certain parts of his anatomy of that, he’d be just fine.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “If you don’t get a wheelchair and take me to see my daughter right now, I swear I’ll find a sharp object and the first person who touches me gets stabbed through the eye. ”

  “It’s okay, Ms. Harlow, I’ll take you to see Ari. ”

  Rafe couldn’t hide his smile of amusement as Ari’s tiny mother threatened the two-hundred pound orderly. What was even more comical was the fact that the large man actually looked intimidated.

  “Finally, somebody’s saying what I want to hear,” she snapped as she started shifting her legs over the side of the bed.

  “Let me help you so you can save your energy for as much visiting time as possible with Ari. She too has been threatening the hospital staff the last few days. I can see where she gets her temper. ”

  “I’m very happy that you’re taking me to see my daughter, but don’t push your luck. My body hurts like the dickens, my baby girl has been shot, and these moron doctors keep telling me I need to stay i
n bed for my own good. I have no room left for anyone humoring me. I want my daughter, and I want her now!” Sandra stated as she held Rafe’s gaze.

  He admired Sandra – and that was a problem. She was a lot like his own mother and he had no doubt she’d follow through on her threat if she didn’t get what she wanted, just like he knew that his mom would slice anyone in half who stood between her and her children.

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  “Do you have some Italian in you, Ms. Harlow?” he asked as he helped her into the wheelchair.

  “I have no idea. Why do you ask?” He lifted each of her feet onto the holders, then grabbed a blanket and covered her lap.

  “You have a lot of passion inside of you. That speaks of a strong heritage,” he said as he began wheeling her through the hallways. He knew no one would dare stop him. Even if the doctors felt that Sandra should wait another day before getting out of bed; if Rafe said it was fine, then it was fine.

  “Ah, Rafe, passion is in all of us, it’s just that few people ever feel the need to express their desires. I’m normally a very happy and quiet person, but the people on staff here should know better than to try to keep a mother and her child separated. I grew her inside of me, protected her fragile body as it formed, and then birthed the perfect baby. I may not always be able to keep her safe in this world, but I dang well won’t lie around when she’s been hurt. Cancer or not, my daughter comes first. A bit of discomfort won’t kill me. Heck, I’m beginning to think nothing will. ”

  “I agree with you there. You’ve been through more than most people could endure and you’re still fighting strong. Keep up the battle and never lose the fight,” he advised as they reached Ari’s floor.

  “You know something, Rafe? I look forward to our little chats. You hide behind that expressionless mask of a face most of the time, but I see fire burning underneath the surface. I don’t know if you know this or not, but you’re a good man. ”

  Rafe nearly stopped at her words, not because he was surprised to be called a good man. His mother said that to him all the time, but because of the tone of voice she was using, as if she truly cared about him.

  If she knew what he had planned for her daughter, he didn’t think she’d feel quite the same way. Mother’s like her tended to steer their daughter’s clear of men like him. For that matter, he never employed women with mothers like Ari’s. He normally went after women who knew the score, who wouldn’t do something foolish like fall in love with him.

  An ironic smile fell upon his lips as they entered Ari’s room and she stiffened until she saw her mother. She beamed with the first smile she’d shown since the shooting. He didn’t think he had to worry about Ari falling for him. She was as antagonistic in his company now as she had been from the beginning.

  Knowing Ari wasn’t falling in love – that she still was nothing more than a conquest for him to overtake made him feel better. He had nothing to feel guilty over. When she agreed to be his, it would be mutual and she’d have zero illusions on what kind of man he was.

  He wheeled Sandra to the bed, then quietly stepped from the room. Mother and daughter needed time alone together. He didn’t want to witness their happy reunion. He needed to harden his heart to prepare for the upcoming battle of wits with Ari.


  “I’m glad you’re here, Mom. I’ve been so incredibly worried about you. ”

  “That goes double for me. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m much better. My chest still hurts, but it’s nothing I can’t live with. What’s more important, is how are you feeling? The doctor told me that your surgery was a success, but I want to know how you feel, not the technical stuff he was spouting off to me. ”

  “There’s not a whole lot to tell. They were able to get control of the infection and they said no new cancer has been spotted. I’m going to be more weak than normal for another month or so, but the staff is sure I’ll be going home before we know it. I can’t tell you how badly I just want to sleep in my own bed again. I’m sure all the plants have died, but planting new ones will give me a project to do until I can get back to the flower shop and begin working again. ”

  Ari’s heart raced as her mother spoke. She should tell her right now that the house and shop were gone. She’d been protecting her mom since she woke from the coma, but wasn’t it worse to leave her with her hopes up. She opened her mouth to tell her, but no sound came out. She just couldn’t break her heart when she’d already been through so much. There was plenty of time to do that later.

  “I’m glad to hear you speaking so positively, Mom,” she finally whispered, tears choking her throat.

  “Oh, baby, I’m sorry. Here I am rattling on and on about my big plans and you’re lying here miserable. I’m a terrible mother,” she said as she reached up to brush Ari’s hair back, just like she’d been doing since Ari could remember. The gesture made her tears overflow.

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  “No, Mom. I love hearing you speak about a future. I was so scared that we wouldn’t have one. It was the worst feeling in the world. I can’t make it through this world without you,” she cried.

  “Arianna Lynn Harlow, I don’t ever want to hear you say that again. You’re a precious gift that was entrusted to me to raise. You’re the reason I love life. The rest of the world could crumble around us, even take me with it, and I’d be just fine as long as I knew that you were okay. A parent should never ever outlast their child. It’s just wrong. When my time comes, you have to promise me that you’ll keep on dancing – that you’ll follow your dreams,” Sandra demanded.

  “I can’t –”

  “Of course you can! I raised you to be strong, and no matter what life throws at us, we can dodge it and then get back on our feet. I’ve never been more frightened in my life than when I found out you’d been shot. I can’t believe anyone would dare hurt you. You are my life. I’ve thanked God for you every single day since the day I found out I was pregnant. ”

  “Mom, if you keep on saying all that stuff, I’m never going to quit crying. I love you, too, more than you could imagine. It’s been a hard year, but we’re coming up on the other side and I know the sun is shining and it’s bound to hit us soon. ”

  This would be the perfect moment for Ari to tell her mother about the house and the floral shop. She knew she’d be sad, but she’d understand that Ari had no choice but to do whatever it took to take care of her mom.

  She again opened her mouth to tell her, but the words still refused to come. When frustration mounted and she felt like screaming, there was a knock on the door.

  “Is this a bad time?”

  Ari and Sandra both turned toward the door to find Rosabella, Lia and Rachel standing there with flowers and a giant box of chocolates.

  “Anyone bringing chocolate is welcome in my room day or night,” Ari replied with a watery smile.

  “A girl after my own heart. How are you feeling today, Ari?” Rosabella asked as she set the chocolates on Ari’s table.

  “I’m feeling a lot stronger right now. The doctor said my iron levels are too low, and my blood pressure needs to go up, but I think he’s just trying to torture me. A good dose of chocolate is the cure,” she answered as she opened the box and pulled out a creamy piece, popping it right into her mouth and sighing as the sweet confection melted on her tongue.

  “I’m so rude. I apologize. I see chocolate and the rest of the world goes hazy. Mom, this is Rosabella, Rachel and Lia, Rafe’s family. Everyone, this is my mother, Sandra,” Ari said sheepishly as she finished chewing and swallowed her chocolate.

  “It’s very nice to meet you all. I appreciate you being so kind to my daughter. ”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well. You have a beautiful little girl,” Rosabella replied as she shook Sandra’s hand.

  After they all said hello and spoke for a moment, Sandra turned to Ari with a grin before lea
ning toward her table.

  “You could be polite and offer to share,” Sandra said as she swatted Ari’s hand away and grabbed her own piece of candy, having an almost identical expression as her daughter when she bit down on the exquisite delicacy.

  “We brought a really big box so you’d share with us all,” Rachel said as she sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed a piece.

  “Rachel, that’s not for you,” Rosabella scolded her daughter.

  “If I eat all of this, they’ll have to find me a bigger bed. Thank you for such a thoughtful gift. Please, share it with me and let’s all enjoy it together. ”

  “Well, you talked me into it,” Lia said as she sat on the foot of the bed and leaned forward to grab a piece. “Your color looks a lot better today. I bet you can go home soon. ”

  “I sure hope so. I feel lazy lying around all the time. I think your brother is bribing the staff to keep me here against my will as punishment for not obeying him,” Ari said offhandedly, not thinking about her words.

  “Not obeying him? What did he want you to do?” Rachel asked with a smile.

  “Ooh, I bet it was something kinky,” Lia joined in with a laugh.

  “Girls, you’re terrible,” Rosabella scolded.

  Ari’s face flamed crimson as she gazed from her mother to Rafe’s mom, and then his sisters. There was no way she was spilling the beans to them about their relative’s kinky after-hours activities. She’d rather be burned alive at the stake.

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  “This hospital doesn’t get very many channels, so someone please tell me that you watch supernatural, and fill me in on what Sam and Dean have been up to. I would so totally turn into an evil vampire just so I could get in a tangle with the two of them. ”

  Ari’s tactic worked. Her words shocked everyone enough that they forgot all about what she’d said about Rafe.

  “Well, Dean got into another pinch…”

  Ari sat back as Lia caught her up on the adventures of the Winchester boys. The show was her one weakness. She had a thing for the sexy brothers. Who could blame her?

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “That’s four Kings. Read ‘em and weep!” Ari shouted as she did a victory wiggle on the bed and waived her arms.